Britney's too racy for 7-year-old
March 20, 2021
Toronto Sun
By Andrew Steenberg
At least one Britney Spears fan has cancelled her reservation at the Onyx Hotel. Brenda Dufort planned to take her 7-year-old niece to Spears' April 3 Onyx Hotel Tour at the Air Canada Centre, but refunded her tickets after learning about the show's content in Us magazine.
"There are pictures of her groping herself," Dufort said. "There are bedroom scenes where she's on the bed simulating sex. She uses an S&M apparatus."
Dufort said Clear Channel, the promoters of the show, agreed to refund her money. She said Clear Channel told her the show is not suitable for children and would not have refunded the ticket after the show.
Both Clear Channel and Spears' label BMG were contacted by The Sun, but neither would comment.
Dufort said she thinks parents may reconsider taking their kids to the show if there were warnings about the content at ticket outlets.
"Basically what they're telling you is that you don't know what you're getting," Dufort said. "Now I've got to lie to (my niece) and tell her (Britney's) going to be sick."