Support Remy Couture and You Support Violence Against Women
Click here for a Free Radical news release: Remy Couture is a Danger to Women
December 22, 2020
By Valerie Smith
The Free Radical
"It is hard to find sympathy, no matter what the legal argument, for a guy clearly so obsessed with the torture and dismemberment of women that he represents these over and over again." (Russell Smith, Globe and Mail columnist, October 21, 2021)
Quebec filmmaker, Remy Couture, was charged in 2009 under the Criminal Code obscenity law over material posted to his website, and went to trial in Montreal in December 2012. The material in question includes hundreds of photos and a pair of videos that depict gruesome murders, torture, simulated rape, extreme violence and necrophilia, all with young female victims. The sets viewed in court included titles like “Hook”, a series of photos depicting a woman being tortured with hooks by a masked man. Another picture set titled “Burn” involves a woman’s burned body being assaulted and mutilated.
The films, titled Inner Depravity I and II, feature Couture in the role of a serial killer who hacksaws off limbs and performs sex acts on his victims. Couture says the films are meant to depict the life of a serial killer, assisted by a 10-year-old boy, whose tendencies lead him to also have sex with his dead female victims. One sequence shows a woman bleeding after a crucifix was shoved down her throat. Another graphic scene shows a character carving out a victim's organs.
“I wanted to recreate this universe, which is truly disturbing, and make it as realistic as possible,” Couture said. “What caused a lot of the problem with my site were the sexual connotations, but 98% of serial killers are driven by a sexual perversion.” The boy in the films was played by the 10-year-old son of one of his friends. “He had a lot of fun making these photos,” according to Couture.
Couture says he created the material to showcase his talents with special effects. He could have chosen any number of ways to do this, including featuring a serial killer who targets young men (e.g., Gacy, Dahmer), but he picked a serial killer who kills women. why? Because that's where the money is. As Couture himself admits, there's a market for it. Couture claims he's an "artist" and defender of free speech. I claim he's opportunistic, sociopathic and dangerous to women, a threat to our safety.
The fact that Couture was acquitted doesn't render the material harmless. The Supreme Court, in their decision upholding the obscenity law, ruled that explicit sex combined with violence is harmful to women. Just because the material was made by someone claiming to be an "artist" doesn't change the harmful impact on women. And to normalize this depraved, violent behaviour for boys by using a 10-year-old as the killer's assistant is beyond what a civilized society should tolerate.
Couture wasn't defended pro bono and he has a website on which he begs for money to help pay his legal bills. Hopefully, his legal expenses will bankrupt him, which is less than what he deserves -- he deserves a prison sentence and a $100,000 fine -- but it would provide some justice for women.
As for his claims to being an artist, below are screen captures from his "Support Remy" website.
Yeah, that's really artistic, especially the "corrupt me" underpants below. News articles on the case can be found at this link (scroll down).