from the slaughterhouse that is pop culture.
"Our most popular forms of entertainment --
TV, films and books -- have followed video games into a ferocious new
realm of ultraviolence marked by increasingly graphic depictions of
brutality." (October 30, 2005,
Knight Ridder News Service,
By David Hiltbrand)
Canadian broadcasters are fond of pointing the finger of blame at
their colleagues to the south, but they are just as willing and guilty
of splashing blood on the small screen as their American cousins.
In 1999, Laval University's Centre d'etude sur les medias released a
study indicating violence on Canadian television had grown at an
alarming rate. The study noted violent acts on television increased 50%
between 1995 and 1998. This, in spite of the fact that the Canadian
Association of Broadcasters made a pledge in 1996 to take action on the
Original Canadian Programming