On October 20, 2014, the federal government passed Bill C-13, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Canada Evidence Act, the Competition Act and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act. The Bill was commonly referred to as the "Cyberbullying Bill".
Included with a host of other changes, Section 12 of the Bill amends the hate propaganda section of the Criminal Code as follows:
"Subsection 318(4) of the Act is replaced by the following: (4) In this section, “identifiable group” means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability".
While the Bill attracted much debate and criticism, this section passed largely unnoticed. It is, however, historic, in that it grants women and girls protection under the Criminal Code hate propaganda law. People have lobbied for this change since 1985 as this section of my site illustrates. Now, we actually have something to celebrate!
Below is a copy of the Bill along with a brief submitted by LEAF to the House of Commons Standing Committee. The Bill received Royal Assent on December 9, 2020 and came into force March 9, 2015. Hooah, as a friend of mine would say.
LEAF Submission to Standing Committee re Bill C-13 Section 12
Most of this section is devoted to lobbying efforts to get the law changed. I am leaving it intact as it reflects the state of affairs prior to the passage of Bill C-13.
Big Apple in Colborne, Ontario, sells hateful t-shirts (2008)
Jim Flaherty Asked Again to Honour His Promise (February 23, 2021)
Tories Asked to Amend Hate Law to Include Women (July 31, 2021)
Articles on Donald Smith Case (2002 - 2005)
Why aren't we shocked by brutality against girls and women? (2006)
Foreign Entertainers Must Sign Anti-Hate Declaration (2005)
Homophobia Bad - Sexism Good in Music Biz - some examples (various dates)
TTC want police to lay hate-crime charges over misogynist grafitti (2000)
Articles on hate rock prosecutions in Canada (1997 - 2004)
Rap called hate propaganda in Quebec (2006)
Hate Rap Bands Receive Warning in France (2003)
Free Radical news release: Canadians Urged to File Human Rights Complaints re Pimp Products (2005)
"She was asking for it" t-shirt on sale at St. Catharines store (2004)
MPs extend Criminal Code hate crime protection to include sexual orientation - Bill C-250 (2003)
Letter to Jack Layton, Leader of the NDP, re Bill C-250, January 1, 2021
Letter to Jack Layton, Leader of the NDP, re "Equality Victory" - September 28, 2021
Letter from NDP MP Svend Robinson re Bill C-250 explaining why he won't include women (2003)
Excuses from Liberal Justice Minister Anne McLellan for not changing the hate propaganda law (2001)
Excuses from Liberal Justice Minister Martin Cauchon for not changing the hate propaganda law (2003)
Visit this section for information on attempts to have this misogynist performer prevented from appearing at SkyDome in Toronto in 2000.
Private Member's Bill
Visit this section for information on attempts by Liberal MP, Borys Wrzesnewskyj (Etobicoke Centre) to get a Private Member's Bill passed to extend protection to women and girls.
Facebook amends policies on hate speech against women (May 2014)
Articles on misogynist Jean-Claude Rochefort (2009 - 2010)
Fact Sheet: Exclusion of women from hate propaganda law - May 2011
Petition tools re amending Criminal Code Section 318(4) - January 2010
John Baird bans Elephant Man from Downsview Park concert (2009)
Liberal Pink Book III recommends amending hate crimes law, Toronto Sun article (2009)
Pink Book III - Preventing Violence Against Women Section (2009)
Delegation meets with Ontario Attorney General Chris Bentley (July 2009)
Free Radical news release: Liberals Must Demand Amendment to Bill C-31 (2009)
MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj reintroduces Bill on hate propaganda (May 6, 2021)
Free Radical news release: Liberals must honour election promise to amend hate propaganda law (2008)
Free Radical news release: Liberals promise to protect women from hate propaganda (2008)
Liberal Election Platform 2008 re Women's Equality
Free Radical news release: MPs Leave Girls/Women Out of New Hate Crimes Bill C-384 (2008)
Bill C-384 Hate Crimes Against Institutions (2008)
Hate crime in Canada - incidents based on sex (2006)
Politicians blasted for inaction on hate law (2008)
Gangsta rap feeds sexual violence in Toronto schools (2008)
Court Challenges refuses to fund exclusion of women from Criminal Code hate propaganda law (2002)
Canadian protests against Elephant Man's Let's Get Physical Tour (2007 - 2008)
Beenie Man cancelled in Ontario (2004)
Songs of hatred not welcome - EGALE press release re Sizzla (2004)
Supreme Court of Canada Orders new hate crimes trial (2004)