Medical and mental health experts agree that all the data on television violence immediately transfers to violent video games. Research specific to video games conducted in the last few years indicates that violent video games cause much greater physiological changes than non-violent games (heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline, noradrenaline, testosterone), and that the harmful effect is much greater for males who pretest high on measures of anger and hostility.
Preliminary research conducted by British and Canadian brain researchers indicates game playing may release dopamine, the same kind of pleasure-inducing chemical as cocaine, amphetamines, cigarette smoking, alcohol and other addictive substances.
First-person shooter games also function as killing simulators or conditioning devices of a type and quality used by the military and law enforcement to train staff to both shoot with accuracy and reflexively. Simulators are used extensively and the scientific data on their effectiveness in behaviour modification is exhaustive, according to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a world-renowned expert on violence and the roots of aggression.
At right is a screen shot from Grand Theft Auto. The player is kicking a prostitute.
Research reports on violent video games can be found in the Research section. Click here
Government regulation
Information on regulation of video games can be found in the Government Action section. Click here
Copycat crimes
Information on crimes believed to be connected to video games can be found in the Copycat Crimes section. Click here
Grand Theft Auto worries gang experts (2004)
Killzone's guns feel "real" (2004)
Counterstrike fanatic ordered gun (2004)
Japan struggles with violent video games (2000)
Missouri pulls violent video games from prisons (2004)
Name of the game is "gore" (2002)
Name of the game is "violence" (2004)
Advertisers want video game exposure (2004)
ESRB to "label" rape video games (2003)
Postal 2: Silly or sick - interview with game developer (2003)
Soldier of Fortune decision in B.C. (2000)
Company to appeal Soldier of Fortune X-rating (2000)
B.C. initiatives on violent video games (2000)
Doctors unite against violent games (2000)
U.S. Senators team up to stop sale of violent video games to children (2000)Toronto police chiefs press for tax on violent video games (1999)
U.S. Supreme Court strikes down California's violent video game law (June 2011)
U.S. poll indicates most parents support a ban on sale of violent video games to minors (2010)
Dawson College Massacre! video game taken offline (2010)
Articles on Rapelay - Japanese rape simulation game (2009)
Dawson College shootings - connection to popular culture (2006)
Items on Bully, created by Rockstar Vancouver
Super Columbine Massacre game (2006)
Protests against cop killer game, 25 to Life (2005 - 2006)
TASER Foundation joins call for boycott of cop killer game, 25 to Life (2005)
50 Cent: buy my violent video game for your kids (2005)
Rockstar Toronto releases video game encouraging gang violence (2005)
Free Radical news release: Rockstar Toronto Productions cashes in on gang violence (2005)
Game producers get warning from ESRB (2005)
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas controversy (2005)
Articles on Senator Clinton's video game initiative (2005)
Free Radical news release: Facts about video game violence (2005)
York Police Services Board resolution on video game violence (2005)
ESAC presents to the York Police Services Board (2005)
Narc banned in Australia (2005)
Violent video games reward children for killing people (2002)
Video games shaping reality (2005)
Video game biz wants to expand audience reach (2005)
Poll says Canadians want violent video games regulated (2004)
Exploitive games risk putting off customers (2004)
Dynamic attack on video game violence (2005)
Games play up drug culture (2005)
Minors buying M-rated games - Canada (2004)
Minors buying M-rated games - U.S. (2005)
Video games get more exploitive (2004)
Violence still boosts the bottom line (2005)
Canadian video retailers to ask for ID