The National Research Council in the United States has published an excellent report on the Internet. The focus is on protecting youth from pornography, but it contains a wealth of information. Details follow:
Youth, Pornography, and the Internet - 2003
Dick Thornburgh and Herbert S. Lin, Editors
Committee to Study Tools and Strategies for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their Applicability to Other Inappropriate Internet Content
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
National Research Council
National Academy Press
Washington, D.C.
Internet pornography industry flourishes in Quebec (2011)
All Internet pornography will be blocked unless requested under UK proposal (2010)
Articles on Hunting for Bambi web site (2003)
Telephone terrorist: Outing an online outlaw, Tariq Malik of Windsor, Ontario (2009)
Generation XXX: Internet pornography and the teen brain (2009)
Australia proposes blocking websites (2008)
Nations move to filter, censor Internet (2007)
Toronto firm to sell .xxx domains (2005)
Yahoo shuts chat rooms after reports of sexual predators (2005)
Canadian anti spam roadmap (2005)
Nude pictures cause nightmare for girl (2005)
The importance of U.S. COPA - Child Online Protection Act - (2004)
Supreme Court of Canada considers Internet counselling to commit an offence case (2005)
Articles on Canadian spam (2004)
Canadian Senator introduces spam Bill (2003)
Internet porn causing problems for librarians (2003)
Libraries to block some X-rated sites (2000)
Proposal calls For XXX domain name (1997)