This section contains information on a complaint I filed with the Ontario Human Rights Commission against HMV Canada Inc., over their sale of hate rap.
Final decision from OHRC
Please note when reading this decision, that HMV didn't do anything throughout this entire process except defend their right to sell hate material, so item (3) in which the OHRC states that HMV "has taken measures to address the concerns raised by the complainant" is completely false.
Ontario Human Rights Commission final decision, April 25, 2021
Responses from politicians
The HMV hate rap complaint was emailed to all federal and Ontario politicians. Responses are posted below.
Letter from Stockwell Day, MP (2005)
Email from Frank Klees, MPP (2005)
Email from Kathleen Wynne, MPP (2005)
Watson Labour Lawyers - Appeal of OHRC Decision, October 25, 2021
Free Radical news release: Hate rap doesn't contravene code... if sold tastefully, October 15, 2021
Decision from Ontario Human Rights Commission, September 26, 2021
Watson Labour Lawyers - Response to OHRC Case Analysis Report, August 8, 2021
Related informationNews coverage
Hip-hop goes on trial - NOW Magazine (2005)